Saturday, March 6, 2010


I'm sorry, I never meant for this to turn out this way.
You've been in and out of my thoughts since we met, the stranger who was kinder than neccessary, the confidant I never knew I had. The last thing I thought you would ever be was the romantic interest in my life, and then that became a possibility too. You've been what I wanted before I knew I wanted you, which is what makes this hard.
It shouldn't be this hard to start something or to see if there is something between us. This part should be the easy part.
I'm sorry to do this to you, I know you may not understand and I hope maybe one day you will but until then please respect this, accept this and forgive me. One day we may cross paths again and maybe things will go differently.
I want to you to know you're special  to me, and you inspired me more than anyone I've met in the longest time. Thank you for everything.

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